♥ Thursday, August 31, 2006
went to meet samm and gerry at tbp.
transfered shows to them.
waited for steph.
den had grillers.
got free ice cream. muahaha. not bad..
had grilled fish pasta and waffles ice cream.
waffles ice cream wasnt as good as what i expected.
went to get socks.
went home at arnd 9.30pm.
met yeeying on bus.
didnt see her even when she actually call me. im partially deaf u see.
huiyi says she met mr yellow.
yes the cutie at zara. hahaha. attention seeker.
like wow im flying tml. and i haven change my currencies yet.
i hope i will enjoy alot. my joyous spirits are dropping.
be back on sat.
♥ Wednesday, August 30, 2006
theres this hidden joy within me.
i always feel down like all of a sudden.
all i have to do is to think.
"im done with all my papers!"
"im going taiwan!"
"im going to see mr hsieh!"
"im going to see mr chen!"
all sounds great man.
den im another person again.
alright. i will probably need to prepare for cmaths supp paper. totally cnt do the paper man!
im really looking forward to thurs... HUIYI AND ME...
exploring taiwan. muahaha. and mr chen u better get a shock... =P
im super looking forward to pasta 08. zdl is going to confess to cyndi. so omg. SWEEEET.
alright of to surf net and watch show. bye
♥ Tuesday, August 29, 2006
but i forgot to talk about the comp architecture paper!
i think i screwed like half the paper. and i took a mere 1.5hr.
and i couldnt stand the staleness in the air.
enginestart sat beside me.
went sch tgt with rebecca for the paper.
can see she damn excited for my trip to tw.
hahaha. are u passing me ur photos?
and she kept mentioning bout it in like 5 to 10 mins. hahaha.
cooooool. thurs and tw here i come.
sounds mad.
ok bye. for once its real.
can you imagine the minute i went home last night.
i surfed the net for awhile. den i went straight to bed.
so omg. i didnt touch my cmaths.
moreover, i couldnt understand a single shit on it.
and! i dont even have answers to those questions!
how m i suppose to even make a guess of how to do it. damn.
and i woke up at 7am at the call of my father. irritating.
and i just finished watching shows.
i should be using that period of time to mugg i know.
but cnt resist the temptation of pasta07.
nice nice. i want 08! but i haven watch 06 yet though. muahhaa.
DA GE DA IS FUNNY. the way they talked bout qiao jie li ppl.
i got alot of shows to catch up.
holidays are what i forsee.
and i cant wait for thurs. and today after 4.30pm!
means done with all the papers. AND TW AND ENERGY.
went to see mr he yesterday.
our bestie has gained more fans already.
heard ppl saying hes good looking and all.
like so omg? i cannot stand it can.
wait till they see his real side. HAHA!
we are weird we know because despite knowing we still like to see him.
me and huiyi gave a very special wave at him in his face at bugis.
he can still turn over and say hi back.
den after that we are super geh kiang. we went to shop arnd.
den after that. trained over to zara(OF CAUSE HES THERE LAH)
entered saw sasa.
i got a shocked when i saw her. and i went OMG SCARE ME.
because she pop out infront of me from the other side of the wall.
den went up. omg b4 i even eye xiao mei. i saw this better looking yellow cute guy.
hes yummy. but looks abit lubsub. either from china or tw.
he damn act infront of us can.
do things and see if we are looking. lol.
alright back to xiao mei.
den i hurry mouthed to huiyi to look at him because he is looking at me. and i dunno what to do.
den after that. he shopped for like damn long.
and for goodness sasa is waiting can. so thick skin let girls wait.
den when he wants to even a pair of shoes. and he bend down beside me.
den sasa came up and hurry him.MUAHAHA. LIKE FINALLY.
he went to pay. and the total sum up to be $470++.
den after that he signed his nonsense on the combi.
den we went orange julius and den i went home on bus.
woke up this morning and saw kelvin's msn msg.
hurh! must be looking for smbody to quarrel with him again! luckily i was sleeping alr!
lol irritating.
i think i better go and study now.
♥ Monday, August 28, 2006
im in this deep shit now. pull me out please.
i cannot bloodly finish the last few topics of computer architecture.
totally not related to me can. can i skip these topics?
and im not relatively good in L9-22 also! what has memory got to do with me again. wth.
but seems like these are the topics that are core.
they are not tested b4 and will definately be major.
but im treating them like invisible now.
calculations will properly lead me to hell also.
the last term test without calculations i would have probably excel in it alr.
after ranting so much. it seems like theres nth i can do except to mugg more. wth.
bye. I WANNA SEE HIM LAH. but got no time even for cmaths. damn it.
♥ Friday, August 25, 2006
sudd feel what i studied and all the time i spent to mug yesterday was totally worth it.
although i didnt mugg alot. but really like thank god.
to think i actually practiced and like read through so many times.
and woke up like half an hour earlier to read through again.
i think im a modal student. MUAHAHA! ( i can see joseph cursing me)
oh yah! i didnt mention here i think i know why ahdi calls gerry alr right!
hahaha! now i know!
see! i knew it ahdi loves us lah. hahaha. dont be jealous lah.
you can always ask from kunda okay. although he might be quite unwilling to share. muahahha.
seems like i can finish dling at least 5 shows from bc each day. not bad.
anyway sis got for me a creative muvo vidz. pink one! =)))))
gotta pay her back a lill'...
im super addicted to ai shi kong. STOP ME CAN. i think kunda sing damn nice inside.. <3
alright. off to watch teebee. and maybe mugg. (yah right)
猩人類 醒過來 大腦 資料庫 完成下載
猩人類 醒過來 武裝 已進化 全新形態
猩人類 醒過來 心臟 超合金 加速活塞
猩人類 醒過來 動力 使用的 燃料是愛
時間不倒轉 回憶不用退還
恐懼被斬斷 稅變讓人勇敢
未來還沒完 這遊戲我來玩
生命長或短 命運自己掌管
浴火重生 新品種人類 對於一切 都嗅覺敏銳
一分一秒 都不能浪費 我展開雙翼 準備好起飛
我的天分 創造了分別 我的地盤 誰敢來撒野
沒有可能 讓我們分裂 由我當對手 跟自己對決
猩人類 醒過來 大腦 資料庫 完成下載
猩人類 醒過來 武裝 已進化 全新形態
猩人類 醒過來 心臟 超合金 加速活塞
猩人類 醒過來 動力 使用的 燃料是愛
時間不倒轉 回憶不用退還
恐懼被斬斷 稅變讓人勇敢
未來還沒完 這遊戲我來玩
生命長或短 命運自己掌管
音樂重擔 在我的右肩 我們沒有 更多的時間
戰爭旅途 還沒到終點 洗鍊的伸手 依舊如閃電
衝破了繭 穿越了從前 太多挑戰 擋在正前面
奔跑多遠 都不會疲倦 全新的未來 靠雙手實現
SEE! now kunda so pathetic! have to rap with shuwei. lol. hard to solo man.
dint realise shuwei wrote so many songs inside can!
he wrote three. i thought only kunda can be so talented lah. haha.
but i prefer the one kunda wrote. 2nd hit!
曲序 曲名 演唱人 作詞人 作曲人 曲風 MV 試聽 歌詞
1 猩人類 Energy 崔惟楷 阿弟仔
2 愛失控 Energy 坤達/大麥 KENZIE
3 秒殺 Energy 阿信 石頭/怪獸/阿信
4 無賴 Energy 書偉/大麥 李榮浩
5 最好 Energy 書偉 周傳雄
6 愛情風向球 Energy 阿弟仔 阿弟仔
7 漂浮的謊言 Energy 阿弟仔 阿弟仔
8 虛假遊戲 Energy 書偉 陳台證
9 不在乎有沒有以後 Energy 徐世珍 小冷
10 打敗 Energy 陳信榮 周傳雄
wrote by who and who.
had first paper today. fndb.
like wow. luckily not so tedious. just quite worried that they might be wrong.
hope for a C or B. PLS LET ME PASS. THANKS
went to eat with jas at ljs at tm.
saw lucify kelvin again. den ruth.
den on train saw the glamours girl. she damn shock when i scold tmd. lol?
hais. must start studying tml for carc and cmaths alr. goodnesssss =.="

2 愛失控
9 不在乎有沒有以後
scanned through their whole album.
i think all are not bad.. seriously..
they changed alot of their style..
i personally these three are recommended.
i think 3 秒殺 is very unlike them.
haha written by mayday maybe thats why? very nice also lah.
2 愛失控 will still be the best though.
and im still here listening to energy's album.
how overboard can i get.
alright. i better shower now if not i'll really be late for my paper.
♥ Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i want to go for their "WE BACK" concert!
sounds damn interesting can...!
i wanna hear their new song..
especially ai shi kong!
because its by mr hsieh!
damn talented can mr hsieh.
dbsk song again anyway.
mr hsieh is more talented than mr hsiao.
all of mr hsiao's workpieces are rejected.
hahaha. 25th aug. anticipating.
miao sha is by mayday.
just realise that ying tao bang is their shi mei. hrmm.

1 猩人類
2 愛失控
3 秒殺
4 無賴
5 最好
6 愛情風向球
7 漂浮的謊言
8 虛假遊戲
9 不在乎有沒有以後
10 打敗
well like what energy says. all the fans can come back and see how are they doing now.
and toro is watching we back too.
cool right. maybe can spot him among the fans. hahaha.
so where's milk?
he can watch den count down his birthday there. muahaha. ok not funny.

them on enews. hahaha. the moral of this pic is. LOOK AT AHDI'S FACIAL EXPRESSION. CRAMP AHHH. hahaha
alright i will try to mugg. I WILL
♥ Tuesday, August 22, 2006
i knew it i wont mugg.
but guess what im doing now.
im arashi-ing now.
1500 fans at airport. simply overboard can!
and matsujun with that bag. hurh! horrendous!
now im watching arashic bonus dvd.
damn omg. sometimes do u know even though they way they dance is not coordinated its still v nice? i think its the stuns and all that they are doing and using. its simply awesome.
i think jun's voice is abit weird. undescribable. and sho's voice damn low lah. den the way he rap sounds like chanting.
i like the part where they introduce themselves. hahaha.
nino's rap is the best! cause the rythme is cute! what was the dong dong pa pa for! hahaha
their Aozora Pedaru PV is so nice can.
so different from the other johnny's pv.
cool cool cool.
i feel that at least once in your life must watch a concert by any from johnny's family.
die die also must see them on the moving stage above ur heads shoving their hands at you. so omg. lol?
ahahaha. easier said than done.
hana yori dango coming out with part 2!
2007 jan. yeah nice. always wanted to rewatch hana 1. but no time.
i want to rewatch kim sanshun.
now i feel like getting skull belt alr. hrmmm let me think where to get the money from ah.
samm was saying i look like ghost in my pic. with my dark circles.
muahaha. quite funny. i looked at the mirror before that i also think my dark cirles abit too much.
oh yah met niven just now at library. shocked me when he shouted my name.
den he say i change alot, the way i talk. LOL? DEMURE RIGHT I KNOW. MUAHHAHA.
ignore me ok.
♥ Monday, August 21, 2006
energy is holding a concert again at zhong zheng.
hahaha. their first concert venue.
sounds cool can. i also wanna go.. =((
got so many special guest appearance.
xiao zhu, jolin, ying tao yue tuan, mayday..
interesting ah. since when eg become so dua pai.
went sch in the morning for carc revision lecture.
er xing lah. met cmsk and fabian....... hurh..
went sch. still must wait for him to smoke. er xing.
went in. listened awhile. den started to watch scary movie 4.
muahaha so funny. laugh until bth.
went to eat after that. eat also sit with them. hais.
den went to library.
watched shows again.
den went home.
i think i better mugg later which i doubt i can.
because i dont think i will have enough time the next few days. hais.
i think flh really sings abit awful.
k bye. xin ren lei mv is playing in my wmp now.
hahaha. sounds wooohoooo..
4 more days to the launching of their new album. =)
watched eg's latest mv.
the most interesting part is when some printings start to appear on the wall.
the transformation stages from ape to human. and the human is shuwei.
as in got kunda and ahdi one too.
but shuwei one is the most funny and suitable. muahahaha.
i think the mv is GROSSS.
the blood and all. i dunno what are they for...
and theres one part kunda lip snyched. omg. quite ugly.
i sincerely hope they dont perform in autograph sessions with the extended hairy hands.
i will be feel damn disgusted.
better not lah. stage not enough space also. the hands are too long and frightening.
but after so much i think they got shorter hairy hands to wear. sigh.
scared my wits off.
and oh. its a fan chang song from dbsk.
went sch in the morning for cmsk1.
i prepared for nth again! because my topics werent chosen.
jenny says if we read from script we will fail.
yet we are stubborn enough to ignore her advice and read from script. how cool.
pray we will not fail man. HAHA. like as if we will not.
then got back email test. haha. what rotten results man.
den got like 3 hours break.
so went canteen to eat.
copied tutorial 9.
we sat at the concourse like AGAIN.
den cmsk came and join us. luckily not that irritating.
but when we walked up the stairs. it got abit overboard and we laughed like nobody's business.
went up for tutorial.
wasted 1 hour there. because we were practically playing and talking all the time.
irritating joseph and jeremiah. but i think the jacky's joke damn funny can.
but only jere and me appreciates.
den for i dunno what reasons i kept getting whack by the the two ppl. the two J(s).
thanks man. i got real hot on my shoulders. (REB U KNOW WHY RIGHT?)
den got disturbed in the toilet as well. thanks jere man.
they make me damn embarrassed. attempting to push me into the lift which was fully occupied.
den luckily dint take same lift as them. *WIPE SWEAT*
went off after that to meet huiyi at town.
went to sing kbox with huiyi.
had pizza hut.
fri went sch. pissed off by birds that barged into my house.
surprisingly passed my carc case study two.
so so far i only failed one fndb term test. muahaha.
how glad i m.
came back nv mugg much. cause i dunno what to mugg and i dont uds at all.
all the java preachings.
so i just gave up and went to bed at 2am.
woke up at 6.30pm. went sch for 9am paper.
screwed it up as usual.
i hope i can just pass. borderlines cases are okay with me too.
met huiyi. went town.
tried on zara tops. the geisha one is not bad.
shall think if i wanna get.
walked arnd more. went bugis.
got a necklace. two for my "TOYS". haha den two earrings.
den i wanna get a watch too. will get next week.
shld i get the pink or the white one... hrmmm..
den went malaysia to trim my hair.
had supper.
den went home. slept.
a day without using my com.
what a miracle.
♥ Thursday, August 17, 2006
horrendous me overslept today.
woke up at 8am. too late for 9am's fndb tut.
so i decided to go back to sleep.
end up not attending lectures also. slept till 4pm.
so i skipped the whole day of sch.
woke up comp the whole day. nv touch notes at all.
only a lill of carc.
yesterday i revise the L2-L3 carc. haha so hardworking can. i did notes too.
tonight did a whole lot for conversation circle 2.
two topics. edited for wen took some time too.
hais. so tired.
eyes closing but im still damn geh kiang cause im watching silence 13.
i watched alot of ho! summer performance.
tackey is damn cool can. hahaha.
im working towards good results............ haha. nites...
gerry my blog song is really by tao za and jolin. dont suspect.
♥ Wednesday, August 16, 2006
worked till damn late this morning.
to arnd 5am.
thanks for mr star idol's help.
i think i pissed him off.
hes there trying to help me but i was here trying to be funny.
so end up all the stuffs he sent me i couldnt uds.
and we were on call twice.
and i totally kept mumb and i think that pissed him off too.
he kept asking me to speak but i just dont have the balls to talk to mr bryan at this wee hour.
haha. den he sort of indirectly asked me to go down support him this sat.
alright shall see. and i will really bring eggs along.
went sch for prsp lab.
handed in assignment.
i hope can get at least B.
got back assignment 1 in return. got C.
not that good. but i think its satisfactory.
because i think quite alot got C. so far the best i know is B.
den went for prsp lecture.
matt was irritating. kept laughing and all.
and he shh-ed me. stupid.
and erwin finds it funny also.
den kel had to stare at me. i had to say what. mad ah. haha.
den throughout i kept talking nonsense with jas.
den break time.
jas says cute boy is damn obvious when looking over.
because he totally tilted his head out to look over. funny right.
after break went up for fndb last lab.
rao says hes giving out the results for assignment and lab test later part of the lesson.
i was damn afraid. and i kept telling jas i will fail and all.
and i almost bet with her.
den cmsk had to come irritate me on msn.
den i told him off. and i think he dare not msn me anymore. phew.
den when rao gave me the results of the 4.
i stared blankly and i couldnt figure out what its trying to bring to me.
den i look carefully.
as in i really laughed damn loudly.
the whole class must have think im mad.
i got B for assignment and B for lab test.
u might not uds whats so funny with getting only a B for lab test.
i mental blocked during the test. and i couldnt finish the paper in time.
and the last two questions were like more than 10marks each.
and i hardly touch that two.
and how possibly can i get B. buts its the fact i really got B.
scary can.
but quite sad assignment only got B.
thought could get A.
just because of my individual question. sigh. if not A is on my way. haha.
kel says i always laugh in lecture.
and he says my jokes are always insulting ppl.
im so nice lah. my jokes are nice too.
kel got quite not bad results. smart aleck. another one.
♥ Monday, August 14, 2006
im having this damn bad gastric now.
actal doesnt work anymore.
i cnt stand it pls.
got no idea how to do report.
so i did my lecture notes first.
copied from 9pm till now.
damn alot lah.
so now im trying to figure out how to do report.
mr ct is not online anymore.
who to ask?
i asked benben. and he told me rubbish.
he told me to act smart. lol.
i dunno how thanks.
mummy fetched me to sch today. so was uber early for tutorial and uber late for lecture.
hahaha. so i just went in for lecture lah. i didnt plan to go can.
went sch for 1hrs 30mins den finished alr.
went bookshop with jos and jera also.
den they accompanied me to submit my mc.
they kept hitting me and i totally got no idea why!
but for jera is ok. HAHAHA. JK.
(im so scared of jera can)
finally we decided to go tm and eat.
den when on bus saw alicia.
we discussed bout ridiculous topics on bus and not even feeling embarrassed.
den when we reach tm they realise they will be late if they eat and might not digest in time.
so they left for badminton.
while me and alicia went home tgt.
bought food back for brunch.
and until now i haven ate anything. that must be the damn cause.
but i drank orange juice leh.
ok off to do report.
xiaocun and chenyi watches one litre of tears too.
must be because of ryo. HAHA JK.
went malaysia on sat .
for energy.
i did go malaysia but not for energy lah.
i went for dinner.
yummy. crabbbb, prawnsss, spare ribs........ etc.
reached home much earlier this time round. hais.
i felt so near yet for far for energy.
in the same country yet cnt see each other.
it was sat's night. and my headache got from bad to worse.
den when got home took a panadol and wanted to go to bed.
but discuss bout going airport the next day with huiyi first.
checked the flights and all.
thank god i sudd rmb starhub has this prog that allows me to check.
so CI was 1455.
so we met at tbp.
samm's meeting us later.
made our way there.
waited and all.
they came..
ahdi was so sleepy and all. still trying to catch winks.
stood infront at kunda there.
den the van was driving off.
all the fans ran away. to i dunno where.
den huiyi walked further in front.
i was left staring at kunda who was inside the van.
AND OMG. here comes the sweet part.
he saw me. his reaction is so undescribable.
he was like "EH?"
he then automatically gave me a wave. but i didnt wave back lah.
i just merely gave a smile.
but in my heart i was secretly celebrating.
i was shocked and i laughed and asked huiyi if she saw. and she didnt. =(..
maybe other ppl reading this might think im rather mad.
but maybe u cnt feel like what i felt lah.
i bet gerry knows how i feel.
gerry just imagine u are me. and kunda is renfu.
den after that the van was further away. this time i really gave him a wave.
and he waved back. i think hes damn nice can. teeheehee.
we walked further infront.
saw yangchenling's car.
we stood there and stare.
nobody is caring about her.
at least we were the only two looking at her can.
and she looks rather.............. i dunno what to say.
and i shall not say also..
the way she is behaving and all..... well......... forget it... i shall keep it as a secret.. HAHA.
den waited longer..
saw maxis coming in. den ok i knew its 56.
but no need to like alight right infront of us right!
u know the min they alight.
shao wei stood infront of me. i was like. =.=" WHY HERE?
and he nearly fell. i was like saying. omg dont fall down ah. hahaha. quite funny i find.
and he stared at me.
ok den me and huiyi hurry made our way out of the crowd.
we are nice we shall let their fans see. and we dont want to get trapped also.
saw gerry. the mad fan came back from malaysia.
den she passed me her cam ask me to take photo for her of renfu.
being a kind friend i wanted to help her.
the min i wanted to go in for 56. i saw eg's van coming back.
hahaha so i returned her the cam. lol.
i think they are quite jian. they purposely used 56 to lure the other fans away so that energy can alight with lesser ppl mobbing.
den they came down. i really think ahdi slimmed down alot.
ok den i dunno what it was damn chaotic.
den went in. i think i did some bad stuffs.
lol. i waved into ahdi's face twice i rmb. hahaha
i told him to prawn more.
and he nodded.
i bet ppl dont know why i say that.
maybe ahdi will know. HAHAHA.
den shuwei walked passed.
until kunda, said hi and all.
then i talked nonsense.
saying that he got mosquito bite. lol.
after that i made samm fly right into kunda. funny. lol.
den they went in. 56 came.
i swear =xxxxxxxxxxxx.
i only rmb renfu say bye to me. HAHAHAHA. and i didnt talk to him at all..
what happenedddd?? i dunnnnnnoooo........
den went up to viewing mall. they went to eat. for like so long.
56 went to shop. haha. i thin renfu has the most fans one lah can.
i think the part whereby shuwei looked over from the eatery then he pushed down his shades and look over at us was funny can!
and i swear kunda looked over also. i saw. huiyi missed it again. =(
den they went off. they waved and all.
i know the difference between 56 and energy alr. hrmm..
i think its damn fun and funny to see these two grps tgt.
its a rare scene can.
den went to eat at swensens.
had my crayfish pasta. yummy. fries.
i think samm's icecream is not bad.
photos up next time.
ok i think we'll see them soon. RIGHT RIGHT?
listened to their new song. ok lah not bad.
i think must repeatedly hear.
saw their performance.
i think they dance like same gorilla swinging?
issit to suit the song title?
im totally clueless about what i did the whole day of yesterday.
me brain is probably not working.
i just bathed.. at 3am... cold... shivers..
oh! i thought back on what lessons i will attend den i sudd recall.
had cmsk1.
cmsk best friend was being so nice to us.
and nv scream or shout into my ears.
im sitting only like beside him can. he blasts.
den he wanted me and jas's msn and friendster.
den talked about so much of stuffs.
no break times in between for consecutive 4 hours.
den went for fndb.
i could ans her tutorial questions correctly.
and the teacher actually thought im just making wild guesses.
hey! pls lah. can u stop looking down on me.
i know i always play in class and nv pay attention lah.
but it doesnt mean when i pay attention i will still not uds and i will not be able to ans your qns other than guessing.
im stupid but not to that extent lah.
den went for cmaths.
he said jera was silly. i bet he is not any better lah.
got C+, A, D.
what complicated grades i got man.
went tm.
i suggested kfc. so we went.
had two piece, like quite long since i last have it.
talked nonsense again.
den went isetan met reb.
she changed her shades.
went to sch.
searched for a free from lesson lab.
on the way saw cute boy having lesson.
and hes wearing formal wear.
i rmb before that i was still saying better let me see him today in formal wear.
because i saw his friends in it.
den went arnd sch to explore..
had to morgan vaaz cafe.
had oreo cheesecake and vanilla supreme.
its quite not worth it for the cheesecake.
from the first bite i know its bad.
i practically played with it towards the end.
the ice cream is not bad though.
reb's brownie is nice.
den walked to bookshop.
she got her pen.
den went to tm.
she took a bus from there.
den i took train home myself.
everyday also tired. when will i stop feeling tired? sleep my life away?
when i go home.
receive requests from cmsk best friend alr.
den when i accepted.
omg. he started sending nudges.
he nudged at least for 50 that night can.
we talked a lil' of serious stuffs can. mai siao siao.
but hes still abit ridiculous. and he seems different alr.
and he sudd add me fab and him in one conversation.
den fab added me i pondered for 10 mins whether to accept.
jas was saying im mad when i ponder so long. lol.